Дана 24/04/26 11:44AM, Alexis написа:
> One thing not mentioned there is top-posting, which is common outside tech
> communities, but often frowned upon within tech communities. 'Top-posting'
> involves adding one's reply _before_ the message one is replying to, rather
> than _after_.

Some links on the subject:


I find the following article well worth reading when asking for help about 
anything related to computers:

        How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

I feel that this part in particular is relevant for this thread:

        If You Can't Get An Answer

I posted a few questions on @misc and @bugs myself; one of them is still 
unanswered as of now. However, I understand that even though I supplied the 
necessary information, not everyone might know the answer, or the answer just 
might be that the unsupported piece of hardware in question does not have a 
driver written for it yet. This is something that someone with "years of 
experience" in using Unix-like OSes should already consider.

During my time contributing to Artix Linux and helping with issues on their 
forum, there were a couple of threads with similar kind of "blackmail" as here: 
"If this doesn't work, I'll hop to another distro".

I always felt this is a superficial and immature threat. For example, the 
reasons why I chose OpenBSD after years of using various flavors of (GNU/)Linux 
far outweigh this one problem I have on one of my machines. So, if you feel 
that strongly about your issue to abandon OpenBSD over it, **just do that.**  
Realistically nobody can stop you from doing it, just as nobody can stop you 
from having 10 different VMs with various OSes anyway.

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