Chris Dukes wrote:
> Phil,
> After looking through your belligerence here and through
> I have one question, what the hell is your end goal?
> As far as I can determine, getting OpenBSD or FreeBSD to run
> is only a perceived line item to that goal. Ditto for learning PHP.
> My current belief if that you're attempting to kludge together
> a platform for web development.
> However, you'd probably be better off seeing if what you're trying
> to develop can be implemented on an existing web content management
> system, preferably one deployed and maintained by the hosting provider.
> Oh, and you might want to strike from your .sig, you let
> it expire back in June.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for replying and for your concern.
Indeed, the website expired through negligence... actually it was
reinstated a day or so after, once I learned it had happened... it's my
daughter's site and I didn't pay much attention to it. There was some
confusion with the reinstate and now I'm being raped for $100 when a
renew normally costs $20 with these greedy people at domainprocessor. I
use a very reasonalbe Canadian registrar who only charges something like
$6 or $7.

I have been using my web host for many years and know exactly what he is
using and therefore I am using the very programs that work on his
installation; have been doing that for some years.

As for learning PHP & all that is associated is a never-ending process.

Unfortunately FreeBSD became a nuisance and a stumblilng block. I found
that their philosophy or way of doing things has been somewhat snobbish
and this confusing for end users. I must point out that I am not the
only one to have had problems with them (especially the latest 7.2
version) as I found in several replies to my inquiries on their mailing
list. There are issues with the upgrading and updating methods which are
not clear as to what should be used with what or with what not (if that
is clear); there is portsnap, cvsup, porupgrade, portmaster & numerous
tools dealing with the ports/packages and they tend to step on each
others toes.  The end of the line was some problem with installing  or
reinstallling some xcb related  program and when I thereafter started up
Xwindows all hell brok out... the screen went black and there was no way
to gracefully shut down except by stopping with the start button on the
machine. Rebooting was impossible either to FreeBSD or XP.
I then took the computer apart, did the same with the server which was
already down, reconfigured everything, recovered the files that were
important (php and mysql data files) and prepared to start installing
Well, I suddenly found myself with an impossible situation: impossible
to boot from the server on which I had just installed a brand new dvd/cd
I regrettably thought that the problem was with the boot disk as I had
never experienced this kind of problem before... ever in some 15yrs of
tinkering with computers.
I have still not resolved the problem as I have been able to determine
that both the boot disk and the drive are fine and work on other
machines. But try what I may, I am unable to get the drive to function
on boot-up. I have 2 motherboards MSI-6758 875P NEO-FISR, one 3ghz & the
other, server 2.4ghz. The same LG: GH22NP20 drive kind of hobbles on the
desktop (writes ok, but does not read - a bit weird, wouldn't you say?)
and the server wont boot from the drive no matter what settings I try.
The desktop has a Sony dvd/cd writer/player and it fnctions without any
problem whatsoever... makes no sense to me...
I am now in contact with MSI & hope they will have some insight... This
is unbelievably frustrating that things are just getting more and more
screwed up.

So, there you have the long story... hope somebody can benefit from it;
I sure haven't. :'(
HervC) Kempf: "Pour sauver la planC(te, sortez du capitalisme."
Phil Jourdan ---

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