neal hogan wrote:
>>> Temper, temper.
>> If anyone had taken seriously all the problems and hormanure I have had
>> to put up with for the last two they would have either gone out and done
>> something stupid to someone else or to themselves... I have to vent my
>> frustrations somewhere and whatever got in the way was a target... lucky
>> I'm a peacful guy but I sure don't like some of the shit I've been
>> putting up with, especially recently.  I just can't believe this
>> absurdly stupid lg dvd drive not booting... it writes the dvds allright,
>> but why the hell doesn't it read or boot from them? I'll know tomorrow
>> when I return the damned thing.
>>>                                     -Marcus Watts
> Is that an apology for your obnoxious behavior (in your very first misc@
> thread, I might add)? 
> We all have had trouble at one time or another and if you would have
> opened up about what you've done and with what, you may have gotten more
> help. You stil have yet to provide answers to many of the basic,
> help-inducing questions that have been asked. I hope you provide more 
> info tomorrow (after you've rested and calmed down), so that we can get 
> our situation under control.
Indeed it is an apology... the only excuse I can possilby have is that
there is so much misinformation or lack of information (I'm doing by
best to not say 'stupidity') around that is just drives you nuts. How
can you get clear information about such essential things as the
configuration options in the bios? How can you find out what option you
should use with what hardware? And why would you use P-ATA or S-ATA or
both and how does one setting affect either? And then, how does Legacy
or Native affect things if they are P-ATA of S-ATA? And why is the
setting for the dvd/cd drive different if it is AUTO or CD-ROM or ARMD
... and how does the 32 Bit Transfer Mode affect the drive.... and what
is ARMD anyway? It's not explained in the manual... How in hell can you
be master of your own computer if you can't get the information to
manage it?

I just posted an answer to Chris Dukes about my adventure... more detail

Anyway, I still can't boot from the drive and it's not the drive or the
disk... and I can't understand if, how or why the bios may be involved
in this... the drive shows up correctly, it starts to read the disk but
just does not see whatever it is looking for... it asks to inset a
bootable disk... so where does this lead us? I know the drive works on
other machines as I had it verified at the store... and sure enough...
no problem... what have I got here, the doomsday machine from hell...
must be 2 of them as the other machine is identical except for cpu and
minor differences... but it also  has the same LG: GH22NP20 dvd/cd drive
(that one writes very fast to disk but it doesn't read--that is, when
loaded, the disk is seen in filemanager but when one tries to access it,
it is not found!) Figure that out!

Oh, well, just another day blown...I think I'm ready to go back to Mars.

HervC) Kempf: "Pour sauver la planC(te, sortez du capitalisme."
Phil Jourdan ---

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