>   > Most of my requests are served within 0.05-0.2 secs, but I afraid that
>   > adding a network (even a very fast one) to deliver mysql results, will
>   > make the response answer go much higher, so I'll need more httpd processes
>   > and I'll get back to the original situation where I don't have enough
>   > resources. Hints?

>   The network just has to match the load.  If you go to a switched 100M
>   net you won't add much delay.  You'll want to run persistent DBI
>   connections, of course, and do all you can with front-end proxies
>   to keep the number of working mod_perl's as low as possible.

Yes. Even under low load a 100M connected separate db server will bench
about the same performance as the intuitively "faster" unix socket connection
(for MySQL) on same box for reasons mentioned above. Special care can be taken to tune 
MySQL for the size of and type of requests as well, increasing
performance. See the MySQL docs.

I asked a question earlier about a client only(sep db) set up 
of DBD::Oracle and just which of the Oracle libraries are critical 
and which can be skipped. 

If you check the CLIENTS read me you'll see some contradictory advice. 
I'm curious about that because I'd love to minimize use of libraries
on Oracle set ups....

not a mod_perl specific question so offlist would be great if any would 
be so kind.


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