> One other thing you might want to mention in your thread: the use of
> Apache::DBI to maintain persistent connections to the DB can cause a
> problem if you have multiple modperl servers all talking to the same DB
> server.

Three other possibly relevant points (reiterating, the guide):

0. Persistent connections don't work very well when you connect to
the db as many different users because the username is (correctly)
used in the key to the hash of cached connections.

1. If you connect to your db as many different users then you can have up to
(num_users)*(num_httpds) connections to your database at one time.

2. If you preprime your httpds to connect on init then the connection
string used there must match the connection string used elsewhere. I
was tripped up by using the FQDN in one place and hostname in another.

Chipmunks roasting on an open fire.

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