> A newbie question. Though I have successfully built mod_perl from command
> line parameters I decided to try the .makepl_args.mod_perl file method from
> the Eagle book. I had EVERYTHING=1 as the first line in this file but when I
> run I get...
> PerlDispatchHandler.........disabled (enable with PERL_DISPATCH=1)
> PerlChildInitHandler........enabled
> PerlChildExitHandler........enabled
> PerlPostReadRequestHandler..disabled (enable with PERL_POST_READ_REQUEST=1)
> PerlTransHandler............disabled (enable with PERL_TRANS=1)
> PerlHeaderParserHandler.....disabled (enable with PERL_HEADER_PARSER=1)
> PerlAccessHandler...........disabled (enable with PERL_ACCESS=1)
> PerlAuthenHandler...........disabled (enable with PERL_AUTHEN=1)
> PerlAuthzHandler............disabled (enable with PERL_AUTHZ=1)
> PerlTypeHandler.............disabled (enable with PERL_TYPE=1)
> PerlFixupHandler............disabled (enable with PERL_FIXUP=1)
> PerlHandler.................enabled
> PerlLogHandler..............disabled (enable with PERL_LOG=1)
> PerlInitHandler.............disabled (enable with PERL_INIT=1)
> PerlCleanupHandler..........disabled (enable with PERL_CLEANUP=1)
> PerlStackedHandlers.........disabled (enable with PERL_STACKED_HANDLERS=1)
> PerlMethodHandlers..........disabled (enable with PERL_METHOD_HANDLERS=1)
> PerlDirectiveHandlers.......disabled (enable with PERL_DIRECTIVE_HANDLERS=1)
> PerlTableApi................disabled (enable with PERL_TABLE_API=1)
> PerlLogApi..................disabled (enable with PERL_LOG_API=1)
> PerlUriApi..................disabled (enable with PERL_URI_API=1)
> PerlUtilApi.................disabled (enable with PERL_UTIL_API=1)
> PerlFileApi.................disabled (enable with PERL_FILE_API=1)
> PerlConnectionApi...........enabled
> PerlServerApi...............enabled
> PerlSections................disabled (enable with PERL_SECTIONS=1)
> PerlSSI.....................disabled (enable with PERL_SSI=1)
> Can some one tell me how to turn on all callback hooks from this file? (not
> that I really need all the hooks) I read the guide and there is no mention
> of this. 

You probably read the wrong guide. It's 'makepl_args.mod_perl' not
'.makepl_args.mod_perl' (notice the redundant dot)

> Also I noted that in the guide most paramters are listed in the
> blue boxes as PERL-* instead of PERL_*. This could be confusing to
> newcomers.

Excuse me? There is no a single PERL- in there. 

> Finally is there a way to find out which hooks are actually turned on in a
> compiled HTTPD?


Hope this helps!

Stas Bekman    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.stason.org/stas
Perl,CGI,Apache,Linux,Web,Java,PC     http://www.stason.org/stas/TULARC
perl.apache.org    modperl.sourcegarden.org   perlmonth.com    perl.org
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