At 02:14 PM 4/5/00 -0400, Vivek Khera wrote:
>>>>>> "JB" == Jason Bodnar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>JB> I didn't get much out of the mod_perl stuff at the ORA conference. Too
>JB> basic and not enough advanced stuff.
>What kinds of topics would you like to see covered.  I'm sure others
>like myself would love to put together some talks and/or tutorials on
>some subjects.  In '98 I spoke about performance tuning.  Is the '00
>conference schedule already full or are they still seeking speakers?

'98 was good. I spoke at that one as well with Mark Imbracio about using
mod_perl and databases. In '99 I seem to remember a two part into to
mod_perl session as being the big mod_perl thing at the conference. I don't
need intro talks.

Performance tuning would be good. An in-depth look at the Apaceh/Perl API.
Database stuff like I did. Embperl/Mason/ASP.

I guess my big problem with the ORA conference last year was that all the
tutorials I attended last year tried to cover the basics and didn't lead
enough time for in-depth informaiton. This was true for all the tracks not
just the perl track. On my comment card I suggested that in the future, the
tutorials need to happen at the end of the conference. This way people
could get the intro stuff from the 1hr sessions in the main conference and
then be prepared for the meat you'd expect to get from the tutorials.

Jason Bodnar + Tivoli Systems = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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