On Wed, 5 Apr 2000, Nathan Torkington wrote:

> The problem with standalone conferences is that you need
> to have reasonably high attendance before they pay for the logistical
> work and equipment hire needed to put them on.  "Reasonably high"
> could be anywhere from 200 to 500 depending on the hotel, speakers
> fees, tutorial attendance, number of parallel tracks, etc.

1) I don't think getting 200 people to attend a mod_perl conference is
particularly ambitious at all, especially if it's held in a manner
convenient for people to attend.  20,000 people went to Linux World in New
York, and it wasn't THAT great of a show.... If you hold a conference
where you already have a fairly thick concentration of mod_perl
developers, and you get the right people to speak, people WILL come.

2) What people are saying isn't that we want a huge, IDG-ish production
with tracks and a tradeshow floor and catered water and soundsystems and
skirted tables.  Several people have said they would rather have something
along the YAPC model... a small, productive session, perhaps better suited
for the conference facilities of a University than those of a hotel.  If
ever there was something calling for the "KISS" mantra, it was this con. :)
Would we appreciate logistial support from O'Reilly? Of course.  Do we
want this con to be large enough to have to worry about revenue models?
Not particularly. 

Jeff D. "Spud (Zeppelin)" Almeida
Windsor, CT

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