According to Nathan Torkington:
> Jason Bodnar writes:
> > I guess my big problem with the ORA conference last year was that all the
> > tutorials I attended last year tried to cover the basics and didn't lead
> > enough time for in-depth informaiton.
> Yup, I agree.  The level of the material offered, though, is in the
> hands of the program chair.  So when I put together the Perl
> conference tutorials, I try to make sure that at any one time there's
> something that *I* would like to see, as well as something that a less
> advanced (more intermediate) programmer might want to attend.  So this
> year there's Damian Conway's "making your mind go boom with OO in Perl"
> talks, as well as MjD's hardcore Perl.

Same here, but I'd like to make the point that it is pretty 
difficult to guess what someone else's concept of beginning,
intermediate, and advanced topics really mean.  This is
especially true when a program's author is speaking or
personal styles of perl coding are involved.  It would be
nice if some outlines/slides of the material could be online
before the signup deadlines and the actual session could
spend more time in discussion and question/answer than
covering the overview.

  Les Mikesell

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