On Tue, 23 May 2000, Marc Lehmann wrote:
> No, it's completely deterministic ("sometimes" == depending on the when
> the function was compiled). The technical aspect is clear (to me at
> least, but I am bad at explaining ;): the file is sourced twice, and the
> function is compiled twice (and since each "my" generates another instance
> of a lexical, there are two variables).
> The problem is that some code that was compiled "in between" (i.e. after
> the first compilation and before the second) gets "bound" to the first
> version of the function (think of it as a kind of callback). This means
> that some modifications are not seen by my module.

This is a combination of closures and PerlFreshRestart biting
you.  Ordinarily, it wouldn't matter that you were making closures because
the main section of your module (outside of subs) would not be run

> As a related note, I wondered why there isn't a mod_perl callback that is
> clled _before_ forking, but after configuration parsing. This would allow
> a lot of data sharing between the httpd servers.

Most people do a "PerlRequire startup.pl" and then put all that stuff in
startup.pl, which runs before the fork.  It will not be run twice because
PerlRequire will see it in %INC, unless you use PerlFreshRestart.

> =============================================================================
> package X;
> my $x;
> $g;
> my $o;
> BEGIN { 
>    $d = defined &X::x;
>    $o = &x if $d;
>    $x++; $g++;
> }
> open FILE, ">>/tmp/log";
> print FILE "hello pid=$$ x=$x g=$g d=$d o=$o\n";
> close FILE;
> sub x { $x }
> =============================================================================
> And use this httpd.conf:
> =============================================================================
> ServerType standalone
> PerlFreshRestart On
> HostnameLookups off
> Port 83
> ServerRoot /tmp
> ErrorLog error
> PerlModule X
> =============================================================================
> And then start httpd (I had to create conf/mime.types and a logs directory
> to make apache run). Then look at the file /tmp/log:
> cerebro:/tmp# rm /tmp/log; httpd -f /tmp/httpd.conf; sleep 1; cat /tmp/log
> hello pid=32011 x=1 g=1 d= o=
> hello pid=32011 x=1 g=2 d=1 o=1
> The module is indeed compiled twice. Please note that, on the first time,
> X::x is not yet defined (it wasn't compiled yet) but on the second time,
> it is ($d==1). Also note that the global "$g" isn't changed (it survives,
> as expected), while "$x" (a lexical) is allocated anew. However, a call
> to the previous version of X::x returns the old value, i.e. o=1 (X::x is
> still bound to the old copy since it wasn't recompiled yet, even if "$x"
> is undefined at this moment).

Your sub &x is a closure.  That's why it returns the previous value of
$x.  When it gets re-defined, it should start looking at the value of the
new $x.

- Perrin

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