On Thu, May 25, 2000 at 11:58:38AM -0700, Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You must be kidding here!!! Using lexicals on package level is broken??? If
> > it is broken, then _why_ is it recommended programming practise in perl (see
> > perltoot for example)?
> i'm not kidding.  i don't understand whay you mean by 'using lexicals on
> package level is broken'.

here is my module, in very terse pseudocode:

package mymodule;

my some"globals";

sub functiousing someglobals {

now load other code (in some kind of xml) and compile it into it's
package, UNLESS the package already exists.

And this obviously breaks for the newly compiled code. The caching,
unfortunately, is very important. Surely I could make an exception when
running under mod_perl with PerlFreshRestart, but that code runs nicely in
other environments, since the apache bits have been abstracted away. Read

> and, like i said, i realize that certain modules make assumptions that
> they will only be loaded once in the same process and that re-parsing them
> can uncover subtle problems.  but i still consider such assumptions to be
> broken.

Sorry, but reparsing is never done by perl itself (it explicitly says so),
so mod_perl clearly is not acting like perl.

So, in in the mod_perl dialect of perl, modules that work fine in perl
magically break on restarts. This is because mod_perl "restarts" by
fooling the perl interpreter to think it hasn't seen _some_ parts of the
program(s) and tries to reload all on top of it.

What's confusing here is the term "FreshRestart", which doesn't do
anything like a "fresh restart".

The reason this is important to me is not because I couldn't make an
exception to my code for apache - it's the real world, so hacks are
necessary in many cases anyway - but because what's broken is mod_perls
idea of "fresh restarting" by cheating the perl interpreter rather than my

Now that I know what's going on it's not a big deal, but if you call
my code broken you should have rather good arguments on the basis of
the perl language and protgramming, not because mod_perl does some very
undocumented things differently to perl itself.

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      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __       Marc Lehmann      +--
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /       [EMAIL PROTECTED] |e|
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    The choice of a GNU generation                       |

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