On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 10:51:08AM -0500, kevin montuori wrote:
>       additionally, i think that some consideration should be given to
>       how mod_perl is packaged.  although it's well documented (and
>       generally quite simple) there are three kits that need to be
>       compiled (apache, perl, mod_perl) before the simplest handler
>       can be tested.  i think to an applications programmer who's

I think packaging is key here. For example If we can get RedHat to package 
the apache and mod_perl RPMs (albeit DSO) such that a basic set of handlers
and modules just *work*, I think we will be whole lot better off.

The reason I think a basic package that just *works* is important is that
newcomers who want to try mod_perl out do not want to spend too much
time setting it up. They want to, say, download 3 rpms, one each for
apache, mod_perl and maybe a third that would set them up with a default
Embperl/Mason/AxKit/ASP install with some basic templates already in place. 
The next thing could be a tutorial corresponding to each of the modules
that walks the user through tweaking their installation.

The next level of packaging could be an MySQL enabled installation.

If there is interest, I can do the following:

Bundle the following into an RPM
   1. Apache
   2. Static mod_perl
   3. HTML::Mason
   4. Simple Mason autohandlers based templating system.
   5. Apache::Session for cookie based persistent sessions.

I was gonna do the above for Mason by itself, but I see that we can do
the above for all the different templating systems.

I can build a working prototype for RedHat 7.0 and perl 5.6.0. and share
the scripts with others who can then build similar packages for other
platforms. If we could distribute these from perl.apache.org/Matt's new
advocacy site/link from mod_perl guide etc. that would greatly reduce the
learning curve. 

Maintenance of the above will have to absolutely critical and someone
needs to take up ownership of each of the popular OS+ perl versions.

What do you guys think?

my p

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