On Wed, 6 Dec 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Jeffrey W. Baker wrote:
> > With J2EE you get the complete illusion that you are doing txns across as
> > many data sources on as many systems and vendors as you want, but behind
> > the illusion there is the nonzero risk that the data is inconsistent.  In
> > a real transactional system, you can never have inconsistent data.
> This thread is suffering from a severe lack of technical information. Can
> you go into more technical detail on what that 0.01% is (and is caused
> by)?


Machine A is controlling a transaction across Machine X and Machine Y.  A
modifies a row in X and adds a row to Y.  A commits X, which succeeds.  A
commits Y, which fails.

Now what?

A cannot guarantee a recovery on machine X because there might already be
other transactions in flight on that record in that database.  A cannot
just try to put the record back the way it used to be, because now the
commit might fail on X.  The data is inconsistent.

The only thing that Machine A can do now is send an email to the DBA
explaining what happened and what was supposed to happen.

"Fucking Hell" says the DBA, under his breath.


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