kevin montuori ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
> >>> David Hodgkinson writes:
>       prebuilt solves the problem nicely for people running linux;
>       however, that's not everybody.  i'm sure there are sun shops out
>       there without the sysadmin expertise to download and compile
>       mod_perl properly.  i'd rather see the configure/compile process
>       simplified than try to provide binaries for a dozen platforms --
>       that would allow the folks who'd be tied to compiling each new
>       release to do more interesting and profitable things.

Perhaps the solution is a complete, precompiled package, something that
has Perl, Apache, mod_perl, and all the required modules prebuilt, in
various formats: RPM, deb, tgz, Solaris pkg, and just regular tarballs.

ActiveState has a generic, relocatable tarball of ActivePerl that can
be moved around. It's very nice -- simple to install, answer a few
questions, and the whole things gets put where you want it.

With a handful of maintainers and a lot of diskspace, a number of 
configurations can be created.

This is something I'd be willing to devote some time to. If anyone finds
a home for something like this, consider me a volunteer.


It has long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely
the most important.
    -- Arthur Conan Coyle

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