At 01:25 PM 12/5/00 -0500, Thomas J. Mather wrote:
>On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Michael Nachbaur wrote:
>I guess what I'm getting at is that I hear a lot of marketing hype about
>Java being a better "enterprise solution", but I'm curious as to what are
>the purely technical reasons for using Java over Perl.  What exactly can
>you do in Java that you can't do as easily in Perl?

1. Trivial to do multithreading and shared memory (in a single server). 
Really nice for pools of cached information. Single process model sucks for 

2. Multithreading also allows tricks for doing server-side callbacks more 
easily like making a servlet become a server by listening on another port 
for callback information from other servers.

3. The syntax is very strict and enforces cleaner programming.

4. Cleaner RPC mechanisms. Most socket RPC mechanisms in Perl are fairly 
hand-rolled. Java has RMI and even stuff like SOAP and CORBA is way easier 
in Java than in Perl because Java objects can be introspected and have 
their API auto exported into the namespace.

5. True garbage collection instead of having to worry about loops and 
unexpected memory leaks that result from those loops. (Although to be fair 
the java binary itself can leak).

I am not saying these are good things. But these are some advantages for 
Java as an "Enterprise" language that can make Perl a really annoying 
language to code for.

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