On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, brian moseley wrote:

> On Tue, 5 Dec 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > > Transaction support for your business logic is easy in J2EE. It's not
> > > clear how you do this in Perl?
> > 
> > Use an RDBMS.
> what about transactions that span data sources? yes, this
> does happen.

Yeah, it *seems* to happen, but it doesn't actually.  Any vendor who tells
you he can do real transactions across data sources is a liar, or using a
new and improved definition of transaction.  You can do it %99.99 of the
time but that last %.01 is the bitch.

With J2EE you get the complete illusion that you are doing txns across as
many data sources on as many systems and vendors as you want, but behind
the illusion there is the nonzero risk that the data is inconsistent.  In
a real transactional system, you can never have inconsistent data.

Lesson: you can sell most people an illusion :)


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