> Perhaps part of this is that we simply need smarter configure/install
> methods.
> ...
> I've also dealt with this on another
> app I'm working on (currently under NDA) that requires a bunch of modules,
> a set of tables in a database, mod_perl, etc.

I've been dealing w/ very similar issues in work I'm doing. I've got:

    * Perl modules
    * command line tools
    * database tables
    * data files
    * custom configuration
    * other open-source distributions

and more, and it's all got to be installed in the right place, and the Right
Thing has to happen if some pieces are already installed, etc.

My "solution", so far, is a custom install script. Rather than trying to
hack everything into MakeMaker and make it work through some deep magic, I'm
writing an install script that's a layer above the MakeMaker stuff: I still
let MakeMaker do its job w/ the Perl modules, regression tests, etc.

But so far I've ended up writing my own code for everything else. And that's
partly why it's not done yet. :)

I also mean to investigate cons.


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