On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Rasoul Hajikhani wrote:

> Hello folks,
> Has anyone purchased the mod_perl cook book from this list? If so, what
> do you think of it? Is it a good buy? Appreciate feed back.

I have two copies, as the one at work keeps getting borrowed.

I would say it's different to the Eagle book - it takes a different tack
(which is kinda the point). I find both books useful - the Eagle book for
explaining the Apache request cycle very clearly, and the Cookbook for
explaining some of the nuances of mod_perl very clearly.

Basically the Cookbook is much more about solving specific problems than
the Eagle book, and as such is much more useful long term and short term,
and I also found the explanations a bit clearer in the Cookbook.

So I'd get both, but the Cookbook first if you're new to mod_perl, and
then the Eagle book if you're still confused about some issues.

I promised Geoff I would do a full review, and I'm doing an OS upgrade
this weekend, so perhaps I'll get a chance to go over the bits of the book
I've missed so far and post the review somewhere.

<!-- Matt -->
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