I placed a Win32 ppm package of mod_perl-2, compiled against
httpd-2.0.35 with ActivePerl 631, in our ppm repository.
Installing it as
    ppm install \
should also run a post-install script to install mod_perl.so in
your Apache2 modules/ directory. If this doesn't work, you can
download mod_perl-2.tar.gz from
and extract mod_perl.so from there. This package was built so
that the Apache Perl modules will be installed under an Apache2/
subdirectory; to use, you should place a 'PerlModule Apache2' in
httpd.conf, or else 'use Apache2 ()' in a startup script. Some
html docs on mod_perl-2 are included in the package which should
be placed in your Perl html tree.

best regards,
randy kobes

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