Perrin &al

> > Once you use it, everything else
> > sucks.  There are no exceptions.
> That's kind of a rude statement to make on this list, where all of these
> people are offering free software and support to you.

Ah, you're right; I actually never meant that as a slight against things
mod_perl; I use mod_perl and I support it fervently.  But mod_perl & WO are
at two different places in the stack; WO is a rich framework, mod_perl is an
all-powerful skeleton on which we *build* our frameworks.

> It's been a few years since I last evaluated WebObjects, but it
> certainly didn't seem like a panacea.  It had a number of interesing
> ideas behind it, but its insistence on trying to hide all the details of
> the browser interaction made some simple things very hard, especially
> since it tried to keep all of the state information server-side.  The
> problems it had with back buttons and multiple browser windows come to
> mind

Might have been a problem a long time ago but it's certainly not now. WO
supports both its own kind of steroid-enhanced session tracking, which does
create problems with back-buttons if you don't use it properly, but it also
supports regular mod_perl-style request/response cycles that are perfectly
fine with back-button/multiple-window/bookmarking tasks.

> It also seems to encourage design where browsers directly request
> a view, rather than calling a controller which chooses a view depending
> on the outcome of processing.  That could be just a shortcoming of their
> introductory documentation though.

Not quite sure what you mean here.  The general WO request-response loop is
1 Process request
2 Perform action
3 Return response

Step 3 is entirely dependent on the previous two, just like any
mod_perl/CGI/php app.

WO completely forces division of your C & your V and gives you a huge hand
in separating your M from either of those.

Anyway, sorry if anyone was slighted; I think the most perfect web
development env would be a WO-style framework build on top of mod_perl
(because who wants to use Java? Jeez)


Kyle Dawkins
Central Park Software

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