On Fri, 14 Jun 2002, Fran Fabrizio wrote:

> >How well does this approach work with 90 tables?  How does it handle
> >arbitrary queries that may join 1-6 tables, with conditionals and sorting
> >of arbitrary complexity?
> I'd have to agree, most of the real-world scenarios I have run across do
> not consist of these neat 1-to-1 field to attribute type of mappings where
> the majority of the queries are simple inserts or selects from a single
> table or simple joins.  Most of the apps I work on quickly evolve to the
> point of many (in my current case, 120+) tables and where most of the
> queries are gathering data for reports/views that bring data together from
> several tables.  Joins of 5+ tables, unions, excepts, subselects,
> self-joins, complex sorting/grouping rules, etc.... are all commonplace and
> this is where I think overzealous attempts to abstract the queries away
> fall apart.  I guess I'm more of the Perrin school of thought, where I
> prefer crafting all the SQL directly.

I never said I like to actually write SQL directly.  See below ...

> I don't typically find apps that just mirror some subset of one of the db
> tables to be all that interesting.  After all, it's the relationships
> between the data that make the data interesting, and by necessity this
> means your queries will be complex.  And looking over the stuff outlined at
> poop.sourceforge.net, there's not too many models/frameworks out there that
> can accurately abstract ALL of SQL, and if it only does a subset, I feel
> like that's shooting myself in the foot.

Well, I'm the author of both that doc _and_ Alzabo, which of the R-O tools
described in that document supports the most of SQL except for
DBIx::RecordSet, which is quite a bit lower-level, but basically can be
used for _any_ SQL (I think).

Alzabo supports enough for me and my 90-table database.  So far I haven't
needed unions, excepts, or difference, nor have I needed subselects
(Alzabo actually has some support for subselects, though not the first

I do need complex joins, self-joins, joins with aliases, complex sorting &
grouping (though it doesn't support HAVING yet), outer joins, and all
conditionals.  Alzabo does support all of this, and frankly I find it
easier to do this, particularly when it needs to be done on the fly, then
I could by just generating SQL in the app itself.

I'm all for _some_ abstraction.  The eternal question is how much?


we await the New Sun

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