At 19:26 15.06.2002 -0400, you wrote:
> > I think the most perfect web
> > development env would be a WO-style framework build on top of mod_perl
>You can assemble various parts of it from CPAN.  Most of the perl O/R
>frameworks are not as ambitious as EOF, but Tangram is trying pretty
>hard.  The templating tools available for perl are as good as the ones
>in WO.  Using those with one of the MVC frameworks discussed here gets
>you quite a bit.  The main thing you don't get is GUI tools, which there
>doesn't seem to be much demand for from the mod_perl community.

There is still one GUI tool I would definitely love to have: An HTML 
WYSIWYG editor that lets me edit templates while they are filled with 
example data, something remotely resembling PHPAkt (a dreamweaver extension).

The existence of such tools is IMHO the reason why IIS/ASP is winning ground.


"... ein Geschlecht erfinderischer Zwerge, die fuer alles gemietet werden
koennen."                            - Bertolt Brecht - Leben des Galilei

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