On Sun, 20 Jul 2003, Jamie Lawrence wrote:

> H::T is much more programmer-centric. In a lot of contexts, that makes
> sense. Informally (as in, I haven't done a systematic comparison), it is
> also faster than Mason. Mason isn't slow, but if you need every last
> gram of performance, well, you probably shouldn't be using a general
> framework anyway.
> And yes, they're all RAM-intensive. I don't actually care that much -
> RAM is cheap for general purpose servers.

Actually, H::T is almost certainly _much_ faster and less RAM-intensive
than Mason, at least when you measure the time it takes to serve a single
page/component.  OTOH, if you were to try to replicate some of Mason's
more powerful features with H::T, like autohandlers, inheritance, etc.,
then I'm sure that'd bring H::T's speed down to Mason's level ;)

In other words, you generally get what you pay for.  The most powerful and
flexible systems are generally slower and more RAM-hungry.  One exception
to this might be Embperl, which has large chunks written in C.  In that
case, the cost is paid for in development time.


House Absolute Consulting

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