On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 15:50, Stefan Loones wrote:
> I looked at php. Why ? Because you hear about it, and see it
> everywhere (= PR !).

Where?  Where do you see it that you are not seeing Perl represented? 
Keep track, and then we'll have some targets to pursue for placing

> In my opinion mod_perl definitly needs a lot of extra PR.

My intention was that mod_perl would be talked about in the larger
context of Perl, as the standard way to build web apps.  There could be
an ad promoting web development with mod_perl, one promoting
Bioinformatics use, one promoting use in financial companies, one for
sysadmin and DBA use, etc.

If you notice, no one talks about mod_php.  Instead they talk about
PHP.  That's because mod_php is just some glue code that lets you run
PHP in apache, just like mod_perl lets you run Perl.  I already run into
people who know Perl and think that mod_perl is some other language they
would have to learn, and that's not good.

> With this background, I found the documentation on mod_perl 2
> difficult for a new user.

As you say, this is partly because you chose to start with
Apache/mod_perl 2.  The documentation for mod_perl 1 is more
approachable for newbies at the moment, and it is where I would point
any new person wanting to learn mod_perl.

> Maybe another idea (a lot of small things can sometimes make big
> differences, and it's all about the big difference): If I'm correct
> there are no specific mod_perl logo's available.

They're in the "About mod_perl" section:

- Perrin

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