Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>>>>>>"Stas" == Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Stas> My submission to /.org made it to the Apache section:
> Stas> <http://apache.slashdot.org/apache/04/12/25/1414211.shtml?tid=145&tid=2>
> Stas> It's about asking to help testing the mp2-RCs.
> Oh good.  Another place to post my "use Apache2 considered harmful"
> rant... <http://apache.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=133957&cid=11186211>
> Thanks for pointing it out.

I can't say how disappointed I am in this post, and your behavior in general
here.  the fact is that this is a complex issue, for developers and users
alike, but all you have done to help is throw harsh criticisms against those
who work the hardest.  do you really want to see mod_perl 2.0 fail?  have
you nothing to offer our community now besides criticisms and negative press?

please be a part of the community and help make a good product even better -
we can use all the genuine help we can get.  I would hate to see your
obvious talents used solely to disrespect to stas and the others who have
worked very, very hard to bring you mod_perl.


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