I am interested in volunteering (performing duties of a PMC member) some of my time/knowledge to keep this project up and running.

Nedzad Hrnjica

On 2021-03-17 20:40, Sander Striker wrote:
Dear community members,

As projects mature, they will naturally reach a point where activity
reduces to a level such that the project is no longer sustainable.  At
Apache, projects reach this stage when there are not at least 3 active
PMC members providing oversight. Projects that reach this stage are
usually placed in the Attic [1] or absorbed by another Apache project
willing to manage its releases.

If you are interested in seeing mod_perl remain an active project, and
are able to help maintain and provide oversight, please respond in
this thread indicating that you are interested in performing the
duties of a PMC member[2].


Sander Striker
Director, The Apache Software Foundation

[1] https://attic.apache.org/ [1]

[2] https://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html

[1] https://attic.apache.org/

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