Sure... I'll start a new thread after I reply here.

I don't know about how apache projects are maintained and the logistics, but there are two issues here. Foremost... from your previous response you need a few people to step up and file your described report indicating no new releases, but that's not necessarily a developer and it doesn't sound involved. I expect you'll get some volunteers.

However, aside from that is the bigger issue of you stated there are no developers maintaining mod_perl. That's the big red flag in this. Should some vulnerability be discovered or a future Apache release present some compatibility issue... maybe someone steps up and provides a fix... that's a big maybe.


On 3/17/2021 10:39 PM, Adam Prime wrote:
I think if you want to discuss alternatives, then a new thread would be the place to do that.

With regards to plug being pulled, I think that it is up to the community if, when, and how that happens. That's what the point of this thread is. If there aren't people that are committed enough to the project for whatever reason to step up and keep it from going to the attic, then that's what will happen.


On 3/17/2021 9:50 PM, Jim Albert wrote:
Not that I want to be the guy that says it sounds like we'll be pulling the mod_perl plug at any time the right scenario arises, but is it reasonable to have a discussion here on mod_perl alternatives inline with the various means of using mod_perl from the low level means of interfacing with the Apache server to the quick and dirty stuff (ModPerl::PerlRun, I believe to keep Perl and modules in memory).

For those drawing the same conclusions from this thread as me, I've seen mod_fcgid proposed as an alternative, but I haven't yet played with it. Anyone with similar thoughts would ideally be looking for something that doesn't require months of redeveloping to a proposed replacement to mod_perl.

I like mod_perl and it does a good job for what I use it for, but if we have no one developing, it sounds like we're waiting for the catalyst to come along that puts and end to it. EG.. some future Apache incompatibility.  I'd really like someone with mod_perl authority to tell me I'm wrong, but my take on Adam's reply pretty much leaves me with that conclusion. I don't see another way to draw a better conclusion.


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