On Sat, 18 Dec 1999, Ryan Petersen wrote:
=> > but mod was about looking sharp, and even the skins wanted to look sharp,
=> > they just were a tad lower on the socioeconomic ladder than the mods...
=> i dunno about that... they just wanted to dress to look "hard" as well as
=> sharp.. and nothing looked harder then hooli look of bovver boots and a short
=> crop... thwn when night rolled around it was time to dress sharp for the
=> dancehalls...
=> Ryan

I agree Ryan.  Hard mods started cropping up round '64 with t-shirt, levis
and bovver boots.  Nothing sharp about that.

| Jeff Harper                      || email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
| Club Avengers Scooter Club       || scooter: '67 Lambretta TV 175     |
| Dallas, TX USA                   || scooter2: '61 Vespa Sportique 150 |
| http://www.dominoeffect.com      || scooter3: '74 Vespa Rally 200     |

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