On Thursday 30 October 2003 21:51, Struan Donald wrote:
> > HTML::Validator::W3C
> Which is going to get confused with HTML::Validator and also I think
> you need to make sure people know it's a web thing.

Sorry, should have been


that way you're in a clean namespace. I knew one was free and the other 
wasn't, got them mixed up.

You said it wasn't going to be a web thing if the person has it installed 
locally, so it's not always webby. Or am I misunderstanding what you meant 
when you said it could use a local install of the validator. Maybe you meant 
you can point it to a local web server running the scripts? If so then how 


where *::*::* uses W3C, HTML and Validate in some order, the only requirement 
being that HTML and Validate are adjacent. 1-dimensional namespaces suck!

> Ah, but there will be. See the intial mail for details.

Since a lot of people have XML modules installed anyway, how about keeping it 
all in one distribution and just disabling the detailed functionality for 
those that don't have the required modules. You can mention, when Makefile.PL 
runs, that they will get the other functions if they install X, Y and Z,


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