Struan Donald wrote:

So, does WWW::Validator::W3CMarkup::Detailed seem like a good name for

as you noted earlier, Detailed insnt quite right..

How about:
  Analysis, Critique, ErrorSet,
   Details (this suffix is more noun, less adjective)
   or Feedback  ( just a punt, probably worse than detailed )




WRT Fergals later point:

you wouldn't be doing your clients any
favours by making their production servers depend on a webservice that has
no specified interface and no promises about availability.

This is a good arg for doing it both ways (ie at least consider them, and dont preclude them by mis-designing), making the SW-install request (thereby covering your bases - so when W3C shuts them off for pounding their server - You Told Them So).

OT - Chris, does your email address get you black-holed a lot ?
with the amount of porn-spam these days, and not-quite-there filter-tools (mozilla anyway)
Ive had to de-junk legit email periodically.

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