* at 29/10 08:24 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> From: Christopher Hicks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Even if the HTML validator is easy to get going that doesn't mean that it
> > still isn't often easier to not install it.  Honestly I could see using
> > this module when working on things at remote sites.  It'd certainly be
> > easier to get the original poster's module installed than trying to figure
> > out whether OpenSP compiles on HP-UX or wait a month for my client to
> > approve adding software to their production linux system.  When working
> > with a few TLA US goverment agencies the "mean time from begging to
> > getting actual software installed" is about ten months.
> Fair points except in this case you wouldn't be doing your clients any
> favours by making their production servers depend on a webservice that has
> no specified interface and no promises about availability.

This is true, but the module will allow you to point it at a local
installation of the validator so that becomes moot. On the other hand
there is no sense in landing the casual user with the overhead of
installing a raft of extra software in order to validate a few
webpages once a month.


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