Title: RE: Author's namespace

> * at 14/11 10:25 +0000 Fergal Daly said:
> > But what about code that is shared by several CPAN modules
> but which I
> > don't consider to be worth getting up to standard for general use.
> > It's not that the code is "trash", it's fine I just can't see anyone
> > else wanting to use it, even if it was fully documented.
> >
> > I suppose I'll just have to upload
> Class::OhGodNotAnotherMethodMaker,
> I really don't see the value of adding this sort of thing to CPAN. If
> code's going to go on CPAN as it's own distribution then I think it
> should be properly documented and so on. If a distribution needs a
> module then either the module should be released to CPAN as a proper
> distribution or the module should be included as part of the relevant
> distribution.

I though that CPAN historically carried stuff like this. Isnt that waht the scripts directory is?


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