----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: MD Atomic awareness

> > ROG:
> So, what do YOU think?
> Are atoms aware?
> and,
> Does the MOQ require the answer to be yes to hang together as a viable
> explanation of reality?

Hi ROG and all,

I find the idea of an atom or elementary particle as having awareness quite
acceptable and thought this was the implication anyway from the first
reading. But the awareness only makes sense in MOQ reasoning.

RMP writes;
The reason *atoms* become chemistry professors has got to be that something
in nature does not *like* laws of chemical equilibrium or the law of gravity
or the laws of thermodynamics or any other law that restricts the molecules'
*freedom*. They only go along with laws of any kind because *they* have to,
preferring an existence that does not follow any laws whatsoever.
172-173 Lila

I think Pirsig deliberately left out the exact words we are looking for
because it would muddy the  final image, and as a communication it would be
less effective.
But I would say he implies it.

I think one there is one simple script that atoms as actors follow and that
is; experience Quality. They know when they find it, they have a readiness.
I think saying they have awareness must also imply they have the potential
for life, that they are not alive as we see it, but nonetheless have the
capacity, to extent what was an essence or a potential into the set of value
patterns we regard as organic.

I sure they don't stand around chatting in bars, but then we know the idea
of awareness in our SOM culture is something much different than we
previously were able to acknowledge.

A fiend of mine is allergic to cheese (bear with me). Anyone with an allergy
would regard the particular food stuff to be poisonous, literally. However
during pregnancy something, which I believe can only be described as another
awareness over rode this powerful knowledge to avoid the cheese and she eat
some finding that she was immune to its allergic effects until after the
pregnancy when it returned. It seems irrelevant that it may have been
psychosomatic in the first place. Only that awareness is not all it seems to
be. I'm sure this contentious but it seems right to me.

In summary awareness allows continuity without a mystical event of life
springing from nowhere.
It seems more explicable to others who have not read the MOQ, since doubt of
what awareness is already exists. I think the concept of us existing in a
mystical event makes more sense than saying, things are as we see them
except for this and that. Which is the whole point of the MOQ.

I would say that Q-awareness really goes without saying since we accept the
MOQ already.

I must say that I would compare the MOQ to an abstract piece of art. If you
look at the whole it makes sense *only* if you are open to the idea of
Quality being the only necessity for it to work. In other words it doesn't
have to represent existing ideas about reality because the only important
reality is Quality.
Upon close examination of the abstraction or sculpture we may find
imperfections. But then the view of the whole is lost.

Does any of this make sense in a philosophical way?
Have any opinions been swayed a little?
If not I'm sure you'll let me know where the argument fails.


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