
Pirsig writes:

“The reason atoms become chemistry professors has got to be that 
something in nature does not like laws of chemical equilibrium or the 
law of gravity or the laws of thermodynamics or any other law that 
restricts the molecule’s freedom They only go along with laws of any 
kind because they have to, preferring an existence that does not follow 
any laws whatsoever.”

ATOMS PREFER AN EXISTENCE . . . meaning 1) they know some 
things are better than others, 2) they possess the ability to value, and 
3) they experience (are aware).

Alternatively, rather than anthropomorphizing atoms, molecules and nature 
into conscious, discrete, little subjective decision making entities, you can 
consider them stable inorganic patterns of value. They don't prefer, they are 
patterns of preference.  Pirsig says this frequently in his more serious 
moments.  Granted he uses literary license to anthropomorphize everything 
throughout the book (from atoms to forces to levels), but I can't believe he 
ever worried that anyone would go against the grain of the MOQ to make them 
into substantive, objective, animistic, contemplative entities. 

Platt, don't you see how you are taking the MOQ's patterns of Quality and 
twisting them into Cartesian/knowing/substantive/Newtonian/discrete little 
subjects?  Elephant has been trying to point this out for two weeks, but I 
don't think you want to read what he is offering.

But to answer your question, drop the SOM language and replace them with 
atoms/molecules/nature are patterns of value.  All the rest holds together 
without all the cute little 'aware' atomic dudes and dudettes.   

The entire MOQ rests of the assumption that reality is Quality and 
Quality is experience. Thus, reality as described in the MOQ is of 
necessity experiential from protons to people.

Great start, but then it leads right to an SOM U-turn.  If I could 
editorialize I would write/right it as "The entire MOQ rests of the 
assumption that reality is Quality and Quality is experience. Thus, reality 
as described in the MOQ is of necessity experiential.  And the patterns that 
are derived/created from that experience range from protons to people." 

It seems to me that to reject or refute the “atoms are aware” thesis the 
CONS must answer 1) why evolution occurred, 2) how a reality 
dependent on experience as posited in the MOQ can evolve from non-
experiencing beings, 3) how awareness (the ability to experience) 
emerged from no awareness and 4) at what evolutionary stage did 
experiencing beings appear.  

This challenge has yet to be met by anyone on the CON side.

I hate to be a stickler for details, but the reason the challenge had "yet to 
be met" was because I didn't know it had been offerred.  Sorry for the 
oversight.  Let me address it point by point:

1) Strike out the word substance/molecule/nature wherever it appears and 
substitute the expression "stable inorganic pattern of value."  It doesn't 
make a whit of difference to the theory of evolution.  Can you grant me both 
versions (yours and mine) work fine to explain evolution according to RMP's 

2) There it is again.  I need to know how we can have a reality dependent 
upon experience and then switch the dependency to "beings".  Do you 
understand the point that El and I have been making?  (again, it is fine for 
you to disagree, but does it make sense?)  We reject the 
materialist/discrete/SOM building blocks interpretation of reality. I believe 
the MOQ posits that beings are derived/created from experience, not that 
beings have experience. To quote a you-know-who, "The idea that values create 
objects gets less and less weird as you get used to it."

3) I have agreed with you guys at least three times that I accept the 
progression of increasingly dynamic values.  DO I NEED TO TYPE LOUDER?  ;^)  
What I reject is your primacy on the subjective/objective.

4) I already answered this.  Remember the discussion on bears and bacteria 
and whatever?

 If their 
answer is the scientific one, “it all just happened by chance,” we will 
know they disagree with the MOQ. That’s fine, but let’s put it out there 
on the table.

If I had a dollar for every time Elephant and I have insisted that we are not 
arguing on the issue of causation or chance, I would be able to buy that darn 

Later dude. It is probably time we kissed and made up now.  I did learn lots 
though, so thanks for the adventure.


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