Netscape Basher wrote:
> Christopher Jahn typed:
>> And it came to pass that blackbox wrote:
>>> "Jonas Jørgensen" wrote
>>>> If they are accepted by a recognized, trustworthy,
>>>> independent, standard-defining organization. For instance:
>>>> Internet Engineering Task Force Request For Comments:
>>>> World Wide Webconsortium Recommendations:
>>>    what makes them has that recognition, be trustworthy,
>>>    and be able to define an standard?
>> This group was established to create the World Wide Web in the first 
>> place.   They did it by defining the standards that would allow 
>> software to be created that could use the standards to browse the 
>> internet.  Without the standards set up by the W3c in the first place, 
>> there could be no WWW.
> False. It would of formed. No one group can claim to have founded the 
> world wide web.

Bundy, you're baiting.  And it's 'would have', not 'would of'.

>> This is why they are the recognized international organization that 
>> sets the standards for the WWW.
> Wrong. They are one of many groups that makes this claim. It is 
> interesting that the site is non-w3c compliant. When it is, 
> let me know.

In a different post, I discuss your claim that things are (or are not) 
'w3c compliant'; you're /way/ off track with that one.

>>> I have visited those sites many times, and i still have not
>>> found when, where, how and why the standard was born.
>> Look at the creation date of the Consortium.
> The w3c is irrelvant. Nothing but pro-Linux, MS hating folks.

Then, as good, anti-Linux, M$-loving folk, shouldn't you be using IE 6? 
  After all, you're the one who keeps wanting to insist that /it/ is the 

Here's an experiment:  Go to the M$ site, and find the IE home page 
then try to find the documentation on IE 6, read thro' it, and come back 
and tell us what /concrete/ information you've been able to find about 
IE's standards support/compliance.  I've tried, but all I come up 
against is obfuscatory marketing gibberish that makes my brain feel all 
soft and spongy.




We sail tonight for Singapore | We're all as mad as hatters here
I've fallen for a tawny moor | Took off to the land of Nod
Drank with all the Chinamen | Walked the sewers of Paris
I danced along a colored wind | Dangled from a rope of sand
You must say goodbye to me
         -- Tom Waits, 'Singapore'

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