> From: "Greg Maxwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Can windows users redirect stderr like us poor saps stuck using Free
> Software?

9x users can't. NT users can; and the NT console has scrollback anyway.

I'm currently running a triple boot system (Linux, Win98, Win2k). I might be
tempted to switch to Linux as my default boot if so many of my favourite
toys weren't Windows-based. ;)

BTW, the Linux distribution I have (Mandrake 6.x) uses pgcc (a
Pentium-specific branch of gcc) as its default compiler. Gives a noticable
speed improvement for LAME, and I haven't noticed any glitches with it.
Since pgcc was apparently used to build the entire Mandrake distribution, I
guess it's a pretty stable compiler now...

-- Mat.

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