On Thu, 3 Feb 2000 17:48:15 -0500 (EST), Greg Maxwell wrote:

>On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Joerg Hevers wrote:
>> Hello,
>> > oh one stupid suggestion for the stand alone executable : it could be a good idea 
>to allow
>> > "| more" or "/page" or "> file.asc" to see the command help, now it "goes away" 
>without seein
>> > the beginning of it
>> Yes, that would be very useful, especially for Windows where you
>> cannon scroll up to see the beginning of the help. For Linux this is
>> less important, because of the possibility to scroll up and down.
>Can windows users redirect stderr like us poor saps stuck using Free

Maybe he can try "lame 2> file.asc & more <file.asc". Well, it works here
on OS/2 anyway. Dont know about Windows.


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