On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Cactus <rieman...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> It is the results of running speed (which now works under Windows) as
> follows:
> speed -c -s 1-40 mpn_add_n
> speed -c -s 1-40 mpn_addmul_1.333
> speed -c -s 1-40 mpn_mul_1.333
> speed -c -s 1-40 mpn_lshift.23
> speed -c -s 1-40 mpn_rshift.23
> speed -c -s 1-40 mpn_lshift1
> speed -c -s 1-40 mpn_rshift1
> speed -c -s 1-40 mpn_mul_basecase
> speed -c -s 1-40 mpn_sqr_basecase

Attached are the speed results for the Linux Xeon machine and Vista
64bit Core2 machine.


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Intel Xeon E5405 @ 2.00GHz (Linux 64bit)
45nm, 6MB L2 cache, 1333 MHz FSB

overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 5.01e-10 secs, CPU freq 
1995.01 MHz
1               17.00
2               20.00
3               23.01
4               26.01
5               47.01
6               28.88
7               33.45
8               37.73
9               36.01
10              41.40
11              47.88
12              46.01
13              48.07
14              49.08
15              52.26
16              57.44
17              96.10
18              60.51
19              83.00
20              65.94
21              70.45
22              68.22
23              77.12
24              75.92
25              81.86
26              81.55
27              82.52
28              88.02
29              85.36
30              91.36
31              94.86
32              96.77
33             118.00
34             105.24
35             102.02
36             107.21
37             106.19
38             115.42
39             113.72
40             119.69
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 5.01e-10 secs, CPU freq 
1995.01 MHz
1               11.85
2               17.83
3               25.05
4               30.95
5               36.40
6               43.25
7               49.33
8               54.66
9               61.01
10              68.16
11              73.32
12              85.11
13              86.14
14              75.02
15              83.35
16              86.58
17              92.02
18              96.75
19             101.02
20             103.92
21             110.61
22             114.09
23             119.45
24             120.05
25             126.03
26             134.09
27             138.00
28             138.84
29             145.03
30             151.45
31             156.02
32             160.88
33             165.30
34             166.04
35             177.17
36             180.00
37             186.04
38             185.79
39             193.66
40             199.40
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 5.01e-10 secs, CPU freq 
1995.01 MHz
1                9.00
2               13.00
3               15.41
4               20.29
5               24.01
6               28.35
7               31.44
8               35.40
9               39.40
10              43.34
11              47.79
12              51.58
13              57.01
14              60.42
15              63.82
16              67.71
17              71.15
18              76.45
19              79.59
20              82.35
21              86.77
22              92.89
23              95.89
24              99.83
25             102.57
26             108.36
27             112.20
28             116.82
29             119.07
30             124.28
31             128.07
32             131.94
33             135.51
34             140.80
35             143.22
36             148.33
37             151.85
38             156.04
39             160.50
40             164.29
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 5.01e-10 secs, CPU freq 
1995.01 MHz
1                7.00
2               11.00
3               18.25
4               18.00
5               21.00
6               24.01
7               26.01
8               26.51
9               28.72
10              32.26
11              34.51
12              35.01
13              37.51
14              40.51
15              43.51
16              43.81
17              45.01
18              48.01
19              52.64
20              52.01
21              53.84
22              64.21
23              65.99
24              62.01
25              66.01
26              66.02
27              70.62
28              67.51
29              70.22
30              72.02
31              75.02
32              75.02
33              79.52
34              81.02
35              82.99
36              84.02
37              88.52
38              88.52
39              92.02
40              91.69
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 5.01e-10 secs, CPU freq 
1995.01 MHz
1                7.00
2               10.00
3               18.00
4               19.00
5               21.00
6               21.00
7               25.01
8               26.01
9               28.01
10              28.67
11              32.01
12              33.01
13              36.76
14              36.01
15              39.01
16              40.68
17              43.51
18              44.81
19              47.01
20              48.01
21              52.51
22              52.21
23              56.06
24              56.77
25              59.74
26              59.68
27              63.01
28              64.30
29              69.01
30              67.75
31              70.82
32              72.02
33              76.52
34              76.39
35              79.46
36              80.27
37              84.02
38              84.02
39              87.02
40              88.52
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 5.01e-10 secs, CPU freq 
1995.01 MHz
1                7.00
2               11.00
3               19.00
4               18.00
5               21.00
6               24.01
7               26.85
8               26.27
9               28.01
10              33.01
11              37.21
12              35.01
13              37.81
14              40.01
15              43.51
16              43.01
17              45.01
18              48.01
19              53.26
20              51.01
21              52.51
22              56.87
23              62.01
24              58.51
25              60.01
26              65.16
27              70.52
28              67.21
29              69.02
30              72.02
31              76.52
32              75.02
33              78.02
34              81.02
35              84.62
36              83.42
37              85.52
38              88.73
39              94.02
40              91.52
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 5.01e-10 secs, CPU freq 
1995.01 MHz
1                7.00
2               10.00
3               18.00
4               19.00
5               21.00
6               21.00
7               25.01
8               26.01
9               28.01
10              28.01
11              32.01
12              33.01
13              35.01
14              36.01
15              39.33
16              40.81
17              42.87
18              43.34
19              46.01
20              48.01
21              51.01
22              51.87
23              54.24
24              55.51
25              58.51
26              59.01
27              63.01
28              64.51
29              67.30
30              68.02
31              70.52
32              72.02
33              75.02
34              76.17
35              78.02
36              80.02
37              83.42
38              83.27
39              87.02
40              88.02
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 5.01e-10 secs, CPU freq 
1995.01 MHz
1                9.00
2               20.97
3               55.16
4               89.77
5              131.03
6              190.58
7              256.83
8              334.54
9              413.14
10             520.59
11             619.18
12             732.76
13             853.76
14            1003.22
15            1145.44
16            1306.74
17            1468.83
18            1669.53
19            1851.07
20            2037.40
21            2240.88
22            2496.78
23            2706.53
24            2947.33
25            3154.02
26            3487.41
27            3742.88
28            4032.84
29            4294.22
30            4637.75
31            4934.91
32            5250.16
33            5560.97
34            5960.98
35            6263.30
36            6655.43
37            7007.69
38            7458.77
39            7800.68
40            8243.26
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 5.01e-10 secs, CPU freq 
1995.01 MHz
1                7.00
2               18.00
3               45.01
4               86.02
5              120.02
6              147.53
7              186.44
8              237.05
9              284.80
10             352.08
11             399.36
12             466.51
13             537.74
14             617.11
15             687.18
16             785.27
17             872.21
18             963.70
19            1070.42
20            1174.31
21            1286.47
22            1406.74
23            1541.35
24            1675.32
25            1790.26
26            1958.43
27            2122.45
28            2261.52
29            2407.05
30            2581.60
31            2820.58
32            2964.71
33            3133.76
34            3335.87
35            3584.79
36            3788.96
37            3983.78
38            4238.03
39            4515.05
40            4668.11
Intel Core2 Q9550 @ 3.40GHz (Vista 64bit)
45nm, 6MB L2 cache, 1600 MHz FSB

overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1               22.00
2               35.00
3               47.00
4               29.00
5               42.00
6               54.00
7               67.00
8               48.00
9               61.00
10              73.00
11              86.00
12              64.00
13              79.00
14              90.00
15             103.01
16              84.00
17              97.01
18             109.01
19             122.01
20             100.01
21             115.01
22             126.01
23             139.01
24             120.01
25             133.01
26             145.01
27             158.01
28             136.01
29             151.01
30             162.01
31             175.01
32             156.01
33             169.01
34             181.01
35             194.01
36             172.01
37             187.01
38             198.01
39             211.01
40             192.02
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                8.08
2               19.43
3               24.32
4               29.50
5               33.17
6               39.93
7               45.00
8               49.50
9               53.99
10              60.13
11              64.78
12              69.91
13              73.55
14              81.16
15              85.54
16              90.36
17              94.65
18             100.53
19             106.60
20             111.54
21             115.54
22             121.54
23             126.32
24             130.58
25             136.01
26             142.97
27             148.67
28             152.74
29             157.09
30             162.65
31             168.76
32             173.06
33             176.23
34             185.79
35             190.00
36             194.13
37             198.44
38             205.99
39             209.95
40             212.82
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1               14.00
2               16.89
3               20.83
4               24.55
5               29.42
6               33.63
7               37.01
8               42.16
9               45.01
10              50.21
11              53.72
12              59.25
13              63.17
14              65.59
15              70.67
16              74.01
17              79.36
18              82.34
19              85.97
20              91.00
21              95.02
22              98.80
23             102.99
24             106.58
25             108.01
26             115.10
27             118.34
28             123.01
29             125.67
30             130.01
31             133.94
32             137.74
33             144.06
34             145.02
35             150.26
36             155.01
37             159.20
38             163.00
39             166.79
40             187.01
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                8.00
2               10.00
3               18.00
4               19.00
5               20.91
6               27.00
7               30.60
8               29.00
9               33.00
10              36.00
11              38.25
12              37.72
13              40.50
14              43.00
15              46.00
16              45.86
17              51.05
18              52.50
19              55.00
20              54.00
21              57.00
22              60.00
23              63.67
24              61.50
25              65.00
26              67.50
27              72.00
28              69.00
29              73.67
30              78.00
31              81.00
32              78.00
33              81.54
34              84.01
35              87.85
36              86.00
37              89.01
38              91.50
39              96.00
40              94.00
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                7.00
2               10.00
3               18.00
4               19.00
5               21.75
6               21.50
7               25.00
8               26.00
9               28.50
10              28.50
11              33.00
12              34.00
13              35.40
14              37.39
15              39.75
16              41.00
17              44.07
18              46.00
19              48.66
20              49.50
21              51.00
22              53.31
23              58.20
24              57.00
25              59.50
26              61.17
27              63.93
28              65.58
29              67.80
30              69.36
31              73.29
32              73.85
33              75.00
34              76.68
35              80.01
36              82.00
37              83.58
38              86.00
39              88.50
40              90.00
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                8.00
2               10.00
3               19.00
4               19.00
5               20.84
6               27.00
7               30.00
8               29.00
9               33.50
10              36.37
11              39.00
12              37.50
13              40.50
14              44.15
15              46.74
16              45.75
17              49.16
18              51.00
19              55.50
20              54.00
21              57.00
22              60.00
23              63.00
24              62.01
25              65.95
26              68.88
27              71.00
28              69.91
29              73.38
30              76.32
31              79.73
32              78.00
33              81.67
34              84.50
35              87.02
36              87.01
37              89.54
38              91.50
39              95.25
40              94.00
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                7.00
2               10.00
3               18.00
4               19.00
5               22.00
6               21.00
7               25.00
8               26.00
9               28.80
10              29.76
11              33.00
12              33.00
13              36.00
14              39.00
15              40.20
16              41.00
17              44.14
18              45.00
19              48.00
20              49.00
21              52.17
22              53.02
23              56.40
24              57.00
25              59.00
26              61.20
27              63.00
28              64.50
29              68.01
30              68.58
31              72.01
32              72.00
33              75.88
34              77.62
35              79.38
36              81.21
37              84.05
38              85.16
39              88.29
40              90.00
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                9.00
2               23.00
3               63.04
4               98.90
5              138.68
6              203.29
7              264.05
8              334.53
9              420.38
10             530.03
11             641.34
12             743.54
13             867.09
14            1021.06
15            1170.49
16            1318.00
17            1485.17
18            1677.68
19            1871.56
20            2048.93
21            2265.54
22            2507.19
23            2736.33
24            2959.41
25            3193.94
26            3484.45
27            3766.78
28            4013.06
29            4348.20
30            4645.27
31            4976.20
32            5272.45
33            5582.89
34            5954.22
35            6299.83
36            6666.47
37            7039.50
38            7489.27
39            7905.92
40            8251.80
overhead 6.00 cycles, precision 1000000 units of 1.00e+000 secs, CPU freq 
1                7.00
2               18.50
3               50.28
4               87.98
5              118.51
6              155.89
7              197.70
8              246.34
9              294.53
10             351.82
11             419.38
12             485.47
13             553.83
14             631.30
15             724.46
16             809.35
17             896.12
18             991.80
19            1098.34
20            1210.77
21            1319.55
22            1438.37
23            1610.91
24            1706.11
25            1825.67
26            1967.11
27            2151.06
28            2310.11
29            2500.08
30            2653.07
31            2841.15
32            2982.34
33            3192.13
34            3388.02
35            3564.22
36            3824.08
37            3988.17
38            4215.09
39            4453.05
40            4658.27

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