On Apr 11, 2:06 am, Nicholas Kinar <n.ki...@usask.ca> wrote:
> > Actually I have just uploaded a ZIP file containing the MPFR build
> > files to the files area here (mpfr.build.vc9.zip).
> > Just subsitute the new build.vc9 directory and its contents for the
> > old one.
> >     Brian
> Brian---
> Thank you very much for uploading this file; this is greatly
> appreciated.  I've downloaded your updated "mpfr.build.vc9.zip" from the
> Files section on Google Groups.  Finally I am able to build the MPFR
> library over MPIR.
> However, the build process ends with the following cryptic warnings:
> 1>Creating library...
> 1>Replacing .\Win32\Release\mp_clz_tab.obj
> 1>Replacing .\Win32\Release\version.obj
> 1>volatile.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive
> member will be inaccessible
> 1>set_uj.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive member
> will be inaccessible
> 1>set_sj.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive member
> will be inaccessible
> 1>set_d64.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive member
> will be inaccessible
> 1>logging.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive member
> will be inaccessible
> 1>get_uj.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive member
> will be inaccessible
> 1>get_sj.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive member
> will be inaccessible
> 1>get_d64.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive member
> will be inaccessible
> 1>fits_uintmax.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive
> member will be inaccessible
> 1>fits_intmax.obj : warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive
> member will be inaccessible
> 1>Performing Post-Build Event...
> 1>Build log was saved at
> "file://e:\Programs\common\MPIR\mpfr\build.vc9\lib_mpfr\Win32\Release\BuildLog.htm"
> 1>lib_mpfr - 0 error(s), 118 warning(s)

This is normal.  These files don't add symbols because they don't have
code in them that is needed on Windows.  For example, 'double' and
'long double' are the same on Windows so 'long double' conversion
isn't needed.  I leave them in the build   in case they become
necessary at some point in the future.

> Using the Python script that you provide (run_lib_tests.py), I run some
> tests on the static library, finding that:
> 157 tests:
>          2 failed to build
>          118 ran correctly
>          37 failed
> .. completed - press ENTER

That looks bad.  Did MPIR pass all its tests?

Can you locate the two tests that failed to build and build them each
individually to see whay they failed?

Can you list the full test output so that I can see which tests

It is _very_ important to set _identical_ configurations when you
build MPIR and MPFR.

That is, if you build MPIR for 'release' and 'win32', you must also
build mpfr for 'release' and 'win32'.

>   What am I doing wrong here? Perhaps the DLL files would work much
> better than the static libraries?  I try to build a DLL of the MPIR
> library using
> configure --enable-shared
> make
> But the build process fails with the following warning:
> Linking...
>     Creating library Win32\Release\mpir.lib and object
> Win32\Release\mpir.exp
> logops_n.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _call
> referenced in fun
> ction _func
> Win32\Release\mpir.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

I can't really say much about this as I don't do command line builds.

> Would it be possible to obtain a zip file with the MPIR and MPFR
> libraries and the associated Visual Studio build files?  I still think
> that perhaps I am not configuring things properly.

Which versions are you trying to build?  win32 or x64?  release or

> If space is an issue with the Google Groups file section, then perhaps
> it would be possible to post this zip file on your website, the FTP site
> for MPIR or even on thehttp://drop.io/file sharing space.  The drop.io
> service provides up to 100MB of free space.

I don't want to publish binaries on my site as I have a limited
bandwidth account.

And publishing them on another site raises difficult license issues.

But I might be able to send you files privately.  It would, however,
be better to find out why you cannot build them.


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