On Tue, Feb 22, 2005 at 04:10:41PM +0100, Jetze Mellema wrote:
> Albert Beevendorp wrote:
> > I have a feeling, and I think other people with me, that MRC has
> > become more of an MRC community site than an MSX community one.
> No, please not again that discussion. The MRC is a moderated forum, not a
> democracy. Accept it and don't whine about it.
> Let's keep the discussion positive and constructive. The MSX scene is not
> served with negative discussuins about 'the other side'. We've seen that too
> much. (IMHO)

I suggest that if anyone has anything to say and doesn't want it to be
moderated, they use the list in the first place. Add references to the
forum discussions if you want... (but don't go quoting other people
from the forums on here though, that would be bad.)

I would much rather see discussions held here than people complaining
how they can't be held at msx.org or anywhere else...


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