On Apr 5, 2012, at 4:53 AM, Ross Bencina wrote:

> Hey Bjorn,
> On 5/04/2012 1:52 AM, Bjorn Roche wrote:
>> Any thoughts about modernizing the whole thing with a fresh CMS? I
>> think it would be easier to maintain, have built-in spam filters, and
>> it would be easier to have multiple people do the work. Plus it would
>> look more attractive. I don't think it would take much effort to redo
>> the whole thing in, say, drupal.
> Have you ever set up a Drupal site? I have. It is not for small-time, 
> non-commercial, low-maintenance overhead projects imho.

Yes. Quite a few.

> Imho it would be a huge job to port the current site to Drupal and there is a 
> lot of ongoing maintenance required to keep security patches up to date etc 
> etc.

Yes. The biggest problem is security updates. You are right: major PITA factor. 
This can be mitigated by a hosted solution, or a multi-site install where 
someone is already monitoring the site for security updates. But, at the end of 
the day, that might not be realistic.

> Doing the theme port alone would be a lot of work.

I would not dream of porting the existing theme, but rather use a new, or 
built-in theme.

> Unless I'm completely out of touch it is really non-trivial to set up 
> something like musicdsp.org in Drupal with adequate spam filtering. The 
> standard Drupal capcha solution (Mollom) is not great -- in my experience it 
> flags a lot of false positives (spam that isn't spam).

Mollom sucks. Captchas alone catch the vast majority of spam. The rest can be 
handled with moderation.

> Anyway, this is really just a vote against Drupal for musicdsp.org, not 
> against using a CMS.
> I actually think the current ad-hoc php solution is not so bad -- but Bram 
> knows more about these things than me.

Recaptcha could be added to the existing site with fairly little effort, but 
there are other advantages to a CMS: they are easier to team-manage, organize, 
and they have a number of potentially useful features like taxonomies (giving 
the ability to tag and categorize algos by language and purpose for example.)


Bjorn Roche
Audio Collaboration

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