On 05/12/2011 06:58 AM, caramel wrote:
> [snip]
> Yes with aliases names in at least one Latin language. For classical 
> composers, there are lot of resources available (eg. 
> http://www.tchaikovsky-research.net/en/Works/) to know the original 
> titles and to choose between all "common names" found in the database. 
> But it will last months and more to enter all the information and link 
> the recordings.
> And as already said, there is no attributes about the language used 
> for the name, so it won't be straightforward to choose between the OT 
> and all alternate titles given as aliases.

While the Work Title doesn't (currently?) have a language attribute, 
aliases do. That might help. As a work-around, we could even add the 
Work Title itself as an alias in order to indicate the language.

Oh, and though it's a bit late, I have a request. Could we try to keep 
CSG discussions in their own threads, or at least change the "subject". 
It makes it much easier to find those (these) discussion later (and of 
course, it also makes it easier for non-classically-minded editors to 
/avoid/ them).

I might start a #musicbrainz-CSG channel on IRC if anybody's interested.

Alex / caller#6

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