Hallo, Nikki:

>Wieland Hoffmann wrote:
>> AFAICS (http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/-/images/5/52/ngs.png) work
>> aliases don't have any attribute indicating  "work_alias.name" is a
>> translation of "work.name" (or even the language used in
>> "work_alias.name") which would make it hard to use this in e.g.
>> picard to automatically choose the "correct" language.
>This file hasn't been updated since September, so there are some
>things missing from it (I've asked Lukáš to update it, so hopefully
>we'll have an up-to-date version soon :)). All aliases can have a
>locale (see [1] for example) and once Picard has been updated to use
>the new webservice, it should be able to use that information.

  Thanks! That makes things certainly much easier.

Wieland / Mineo

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