On Tue 16 at 04:21 PM -0700, "Kevin J. McCarthy" <ke...@8t8.us> wrote:

> The settings you change are not local to the macro.  So when you turn
> off include, it will stay off even after you finish replying.  If you
> have other macros where you want it on, you'll have to turn it back on
> for each of those.

I did just "get" that and was about to post:

macro index,pager  R  "<enter-command>set editor='vim 
set include=no<enter><reply><enter-command>set include=yes<enter>"\
"reply without quoting"

I may also be able to get rid of the '+10' setting as, which s. keeling
pointed out, seems to be unneccesary.

> By the way, you can combine various setting changes into a single set
> command to make your macro less lengthy:

> macro index,pager  r  "<enter-command>set include=yes editor='vim 
> +10'<enter><reply>" "reply with quoting"
> macro index,pager  R  "<enter-command>set include=no editor='vim 
> +10'<enter><reply>" "reply without quoting"

> macro index,pager  p  "<enter-command>set include=yes editor='vim 
> +10'<enter><list-reply>" "list-reply with quoting"
> macro index,pager  _R  "<enter-command>set include=no editor='vim 
> +10'<enter><list-reply>" "list-reply without quoting"

And that's what I was wondering about the syntax for, since my version
above was getting very long.  Thank you all.

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