On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Robinson, Eric <eric.robin...@psmnv.com>wrote:

> > your whole solution is crippled because why in the world are
> > you killing your salves and reinit them without any reason daily?
> There is a very good reason: it is the phenomenon of row drift. The

Interesting. I never heard of that, and can't, at first glance, seem to find
a lot of useful things on Google. Could you explain what you mean ?

The one thing I can think of, would be the fact that your rows are not
guaranteed to be in the same disk blocks, or even necessarily in the same
data block of your file. This in itself doesn't really pose a problem for
backups, though, afaik ?

I'm starting to worry that you may be right. I know FLUSH TABLES WITH
> READ LOCK does not work as expected with InnoDB, but is there really no

It doesn't, exactly, no; but afaik no actual data will be written. Some
metadata may not be fully sync, but I do not believe a lot could happen that
the recovery when you start your slave can't fix. Still, the issue is there.

> really the only way? (And even if I stop the service, is rsync totally
> safe with InnoDB?)

As a stopped MySQL can't update the files or keep data in memory, that
should be safe, yes.

Bier met grenadyn
Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

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