Steve I take your input very constructively and I personally will
definitely reconsider and contemplate more on your point.

In fact, I already emailed the developers yesterday, and asked if I could
pay to have the particular feature I wanted prioritized at this time.  And
I don't think that was to slight any one, and I don't think that outcome
would be negative for any one either.

In general though, I think it sort of like Windows.  Every new release is a
major cost to the installed base to upgrade.  Many people here may not
think twice about the cost of upgrading to 4.x, because many people here
may enjoy the technology.

But in business, we don't like change.  We like the same thing to work the
same way over and over again.  The more repetitions we can get, then the
higher the economy of scale and thus the higher the profit (and I lot more
time for me to spend with my family).

So my focus is more on taking what I already thought was wonderful (3.23)
and focusing on making it perfect for the needs of what most people do with
a database and a typical web site.  And being able to that with less noise
and more directness.

I tend to think no one here will be interested in that kind of focus,
because he sort of flies in the face of the granduer.

I may just make my own private fork, and maybe bundle it with Cool Page.  I
really don't know yet.

I will wait to see what other people want.

OFF TOP MY HEAD: But I am keeping in mind that the people on this list are
developers and knowledgeable users (or at least the ones paying attention
to this topic).  I think this is quite different from the needs that actual
users might express.  I think a lot of potential users want a database on
their web site, and haven't the slightest clue how to achieve it.  I could
close that gab with my Cool Page product (have been planning something like
this for a while, e.g. drag+drop forms and database integration).  And I
would like to have access to a database that wasn't trying to compete with
Oracle, because I just don't feel those features will do anything for this
market I see.  And it just adds complexity.

Apologies my thoughts are not too organized here.  I will stand back and
listen for a while and think about this more.

At 12:00 AM 11/9/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>On Thu, 2001-11-08 at 23:42, wrote:
>> Just so you know I am not blowing wind on possible speed enchancement,
>> please let me add that one of my former talents was assembler code.  Not to
>> blow my own horn, but simply to state as fact relevant here, I was able to
>> speed up Painter's core paint routines by perhaps 30 - 50%.  So although
>> algorithmic changes are usually the largest wins, that is an example one
>> possible way to try to get more speed on some crucial indexing routines
>> perhaps.
>> I'd have to dig into the source before I could say specifically.
>> Then again right now, my personal focus is simply to get some refinements
>> more quickly and with less politics.
>I guess my main concern is that it seems like your main reason for
>forking is political disagreement with developers, and making the code
>better is only a secondary reason.  If that's the case, I respect your
>decision, but I think the best solution for the end users would be to
>work out your differences of opinion and try to work together.  If your
>goals are too far different from the MySQL project's goals, then of
>course maybe a fork is the only good solution.  
>However, I haven't seen anything in your reasoning that would be
>contrary to the goals of the MySQL developers.  On the other hand, MySQL
>is known for being fast, and for being easy to use for beginning users. 
>I'd like to see what specific refinements you're talking about -- the
>main reason for version 4.0 is to allow a lot of the features that are
>on the TODO list.
>I'm not trying to be disagreeable, I'm just not quite convinced yet and
>would like to hear more from you about your reasoning and justification
>for forking the code, as opposed to contributing to the main MySQL code
>(even if it is in the 3.23 branch).
>Steve Meyers

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