In message <> Roger wrote:

> Loading/Running NetSurf (on an Iyonix at least) seems to take 30
> seconds whereas running Oregano2 takes less that 3 seconds. [I am not
> including the time that NetSurf, when first run, uses looking at all
> the fonts].

Actually, I would like to suggest that the time taken for font
scanning is now an issue since NS 2.1. It now takes several minutes
to scan fonts on my home machine. Yes, I know its only on the
first time NS is run, but I can't help thinking that this is all
wasted time. After all, NS isn't going use all these fonts. Its
only likely to need the standard set of ROM fonts. Maybe font
scanning could be filtered?  And also, once the fonts have been
scanned where is the data cached? Is it wasting space somewhere
by retaining font data for fonts that will probably never be used?

Regarding non-font-related load time I don't seem to have a
problem on Virtual RPC. Its certainly not taking 30 seconds.


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