> James Capone wrote:
> I am trying to upgrade to the 2.2.9 version of the Kernel. I went
> through the entire process for un taring the file through the entire
> process.
> I did the make menuconfig
> I did the make dep
> I did the make zImage
> I did the make modules
> I did the make modules_install
> I did the make zlilo
> Even did cp zImage /vmlinuz
> edited the lilo.conf to look like this
> image=/vmlinuz
> Label=Linux
> etc...
> When I reboot and try to run Linux with the new Kernel I get the
> following message
> Loading Linux.....
> No signature file.....
> Then it stalls

If that's the order that you did things in, you might want to try this

        make menuconfig
        make dep
        make clean
        make zImage
        make modules
        make modules_install
        cp zImage /vmlinuz
        [edit /etc/lilo.conf]

That should fix it up!
Steve Philp

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