Dear Steve, I'm sorry to bother you once again,  but I still seem to have a
major problem. I wanted to try to compile my kernel, but if I try to do 'make
xconfig' from /usr/src/linux  I get the error 
'make: *** No rule to make target `config'.  Stop.'
[same with make xconfig] I checked around on my system, and /usr/src/linux
contains only the /include directory. The same was true for
/usr/src/linux-2.2.3-ac4. All the useful looking stuff, /documentation,
 /arch, /drivers etc and Makefile, which I suppose is the program I need to
use, all this is in the old kernel directory /usr/src/linux-2.0.36.
Is there a simple trick to solve this? I'm afraid I've been blindly following
instructions and obviously something didn't work right.
NO RUSH, and thanks again for your previous help, Tom    

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