Toby Sheets wrote:
> Ok, in the last 2 days I've reinstalled about 4 times to try and sort
> out various bugs. Please be patient with me (this *is* a newbie group
> after all). Here are my problems:
> 1) SCSI.
>         My system is using Adaptec 152x SCSI Host Adapter. When I do the
> install and try to have Linux probe the card it says it can't find one
> on my system. If I try to do the install manually it asks me for a
> module. What goes here so that I can try a manual install?
> 2) Sound.
>         Install never asks about sound cards and so far I have no audio.
> Where/how do I configure audio??
> 3) Hard Drive.
>         I just installed a brand new 17.6 Gig hard drive to run Linux on. It is
> setup as my primary slave. When I partitioned it with Disk Druid I set
> up 1.5 Gig for my "/" partition, 128 MB for my swap, and 400MB for
> "/home". Now the rest of that drive should, in theory (I think) show up
> as another drive in Windows. However, in Windows there is no sign of the
> remaining 14+ GB of hard drive space. Where did it go? Will I be able to
> save files on it and if so what format?
> 4) CD-Rom.
>         It must have found it during the install because it had no problems
> loading and installing the OS. But if I try to access my documentation
> CD's via Linux there are no drives mounted. How do I mount them?
> I wanted to add, if there are any Mandrake employees reading, that the
> install documentation I received with the Deluxe Linux is pretty
> anemic.  The install did not happen in the same order as it appeared in
> the install guide and some options which I ended up needing were not
> even covered.
> The user guide is about as helpful. It almost seems to assume some prior
> knowledge of working with in the Linux environment. Thank God Mandrake
> chose to include 3 other books on CD-Rom. Unfortunately, the user guide
> is so useless I can't get my CDRom to mount so I have to read the
> contents in Windows, memorize, then go to Linux and try what I read.
> I've been sitting at my computer for close to 8 hours today and I'm
> still right where I started.

Hi, Toby,

My attempts to answer your questions:

scsi -
That's strange that your scsi adapter wasn't detected.  It sounds like
you have an official Mandrake release.  Have you tried to recompile the
kernel with scsi support?

sound - 
If you can boot up and get into X, run 'sndconfig' from the shel prompt.

hard dive -
Did you format the 14+ gb portion of your hard drive? It's been a while
since I dual booted with Windows, but I think if you don't format the
hard drive, Windows won't recognize it.  Does Windows recognize any of
your Linux partitions?

cd-rom - 
To mount your cd-rom, do 'mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom' as
root user.  If you don't have the directory /mnt/cdrom, create it with
'mkdir /mnt/cdrom'.  To unmount the cd-rom and eject the disc, do
'umount /mnt/cdrom'.  The directory /mnt/cdrom cannot be busy when
issuing the umount command, so you cannot issue this command from
/mnt/cdrom or any of its subdirectories.  To save yourself some
keystrokes, put this line into your /etc/fstab:

/dev/cdrom      /mnt/cdrom      auto   
user,noauto,nosuid,exec,nodev,ro        0       0

Then, as any user, you can mount the cd-rom with 'mount /mnt/cdrom'. 
Unmount the cd-rom with 'umount /mnt/cdrom'

Good luck,


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